WEEK 13: Just Hold On We Almost Home

School is nearing the end and I can not be more ecstatic! I am so ready for break I can taste it. I am trying to not freak out with finals coming up and the pressure that I must pass ochem. I am starting to finish up my paper yet I still am missing a few peices which I will review with Josh further. I included my results section down below for your review and pictures of my sucessful plates with green flurescent protein. "Among the plated bacterial colonies, one distinctive observation emerged — a single plate exhibited a conspicuous glow under UV light after an incubation period. The glowing plate indicated successful expression of the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) gene, a trait carried by the pGLO plasmid. This notable fluorescence is attributed to the integration and expression of the foreign DNA within the bacterial cells. The growth on the ampicillin-containing plates signifies the effectiveness of the ampicillin resistance gene as a selection maker, meaning only the transformed bacterial cells thrive. Intriguingly, this challenges the phenomenon of conventional expectations, the singular glowing colony suggests that the impact of genetic transformation extends beyond a single generation. These results not only affirm the success of the genetic transformation process but also a deeper understanding of genetically modified traits within bacterial populations."


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